Economics of Happiness Conference III, March 2014
hosted by Shikshantar, Vistaar and Bhoomi Network
Opening Remarks by Helena Norberg-Hodge (author, Ancient Futures), Claude Alvares (Third World Network). Welcome by Manish Jain (Shikshantar) , David Selvaraj (Vistaar) , Seetha Ananthasivan (Bhoomi Network)
Lets Walk to the left, Lets Walk to the Right, And Meet and Open up to People., to.Happiness..
Former PM of Tibet govt in Exile, Samdhong Rinpoche in his keynote address gives four conditions for an economics that is necessary to bring happiness
Open Session at Economics of Happiness Conference III - Introductory lecture
Helena Norberg-Hodge outlines a critique of Globalisation, And the sources of the new alternatives - the localisation of economic and cultural/spiritual spaces.
Charles Eisenstein, Aseem Srivastava, Claude Alvares,, and others discuss the imperative of Localisation
Discussion on Localisation and Modernity
Samdhong Rinpoche and Helena Norberg-Hodge
answer questions on issues of localisation and
Conference Sidelights -Inauguration of Vikalp Sangam Website
Economics of Happiness -III conference sidelights - Exhibition, Opening, Inauguration of Vikalp Sangam website
Group Session: Swaraj & Economic Democracy
Special discussion on Hind Swaraj, Economic Democracy and Localisation. Lead participants Sampdong Rinpoche, Rajni Bakshi, Ashish Kothari
Group Session: Stories of Hope
Discussion around stories of hope at the economics of happiness conference in march 2014 - slow food, mendha-lekha, water, recycling, education, consumer-producer links etc.
P. V. Rajagopal of Ekta, Ashish Kothari of Kalpavriksh, Bayo Akomolaff of Nigeria, Carlos of the five star movement, Keibo Oiwa and Helena Norberg-Hodge;share the stories of positive change towards Localisation